

- CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems

Horizon 2020 Innovation Action, 2018-2022, Grant Agreement No. 792245.

SUPER PV aims to develop superior quality solar PV systems, based on a hybrid combination of technological innovations and business operation solutions, aiming to accelerate large scale deployment in Europe and help EU photovoltaic business to regain leadership on world market. To achieve ground-breaking impact on cost reduction, the project concept tackles in an integral way three cornerstone steps impacting PV system performance and, thus, the LCOE:

  • PV module innovations
  • Module level power electronics developments
  • PV system integration and process innovations.

BNW Energy's role: Exploitation Manager and leader of WP7 Business Case Validation and Exploitation.

SisAl Pilot

- Innovative pilot for Silicon production with low environmental impact using secondary aluminium and silicon raw materials

Horizon 2020 Innovation Action, 2020-2024, Grant Agreement No. 869268.

Sisal Pilot project video

BNW Energy's role: Exploitation Manager and leader of WP4 Exploitation.